import PouchDB from 'pouchdb';
import sift from 'sift';
import {promises as fs, constants as fsConstants, createReadStream, createWriteStream} from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
import {parseConfig} from '../../configBase.js';
* Given a document, return it's entity ID for the WDW database
* @param {object|string} doc CouchDB document or a document ID
* @return {string}
export function getEntityID(doc) {
const docId = doc?.id || doc;
if (!docId) {
console.trace('Unable to find ID from', JSON.stringify(doc));
return undefined;
const stack = docId.split(':');
const lowestLevelEntity = stack[stack.length - 1];
const parts = lowestLevelEntity.split(';');
if (parts <= 1) return undefined;
return parts.find((p) => {
// edge-case for some documents with no attraction attached (guessing test documents)
if (p === 'Unassigned') return false;
const keyval = p.split('=');
return (keyval.length === 1);
// internal key names for our indexes. Stored as constants to save typing these over and over
const constants = {
INDEX_CHANNELS: 'channels',
INDEX_ENTITIES: 'entities',
INDEX_CHILDREN: 'children',
INDEX_NAMES: 'names',
INDEX_IDS: 'ids',
// ancestors to include in our index
// we add these into our index objects to identify unique documents to index
const ancestorIndexes = [
key: 'ancestorLandId',
index: 'land_id',
key: 'ancestorResortId',
index: 'resort_id',
key: 'ancestorResortAreaId',
index: 'resort_area_id',
key: 'ancestorThemeParkId',
index: 'park_id',
// Super() function to call when we setup this class as a plugin
const pouchBulkDocs = PouchDB.prototype.bulkDocs;
* An indexed live WDW database
* Replicated WDW database to local disk for fast access
* While replicating, will build an in-memory index of entities for fast lookup
* Options to dump database to a single file or load a snapshot for quicker database boot ups
export class IndexedWDWDB extends PouchDB {
* Construct a new IndexedWDWDB object
* @param {object} opts PouchDB options object
* @param {string} [opts.remoteHost] Remote database to replicate
* @param {string} [opts.remoteUsername] Remote database username to authenticate
* @param {string} [opts.remotePassword] Remote database password to authenticate
* @param {string} [opts.dbName='wdw'] Local database name
* @param {string} [opts.snapshot] File location of a snapshot to 'seed' the database during startup
* @param {string} [opts.skipSync] Skip network replication, only use data already on disk
* @extends PouchDB
constructor(opts = {}) {
// default to enable auto_compaction
opts.auto_compaction = opts.auto_compaction || true;
opts.remoteHost = '';
opts.remoteUsername = '';
opts.remotePassword = '';
opts.dbName = opts.dbName || 'wdw';
opts.snapshot = ''; // optional snapshot to use when starting database
// 'name' is the config option pouchdb uses for the storage path = || IndexedWDWDB.getDatabaseFilePath(opts.dbName);
opts.skipSync = opts.skipSync === undefined ? false : opts.skipSync;
opts.restartTimeout = opts.restartTimeout || 5;
opts.configPrefixes = ['WDWDB'].concat(opts.configPrefixes || []);
const config = parseConfig(opts);
this.config = config;
// increase the maximum listeners to this database
// setup our remote host to replicate locally
if (this.config.remoteHost) {
const remoteHostOptions = {
skip_setup: true,
if (this.config.remoteUsername && this.config.remotePassword) {
remoteHostOptions.auth = {
username: this.config.remoteUsername,
password: this.config.remotePassword,
this.remoteDB = new PouchDB(this.config.remoteHost, remoteHostOptions);
this.synced = false;
this.replicating = false;
this._index = {};
this._setupPromise = null;
this._indexSetup = false;
* Get the LevelDOWN database location to use
* @param {string} name Database name
* @return {string}
static getDatabaseFilePath(name) {
return path.join(process.cwd(), `db.${name}`);
* Initialise the live database, returns once finished an initial sync
async init() {
if (this.synced) {
if (this.initPromiseSync) return this.initPromiseSync;
// first, syncronise our database before we start rolling updates
this.initPromiseSync = this._loadAndInit();
// keep the Promise as a variable so we can keep returning it for any additional init() calls
await this.initPromiseSync;
this.initPromiseSync = null;
console.log(`Database finished setup!`);
this.synced = true;
if (!this.config.skipSync && this.remoteDB) {
* Start database replication
* @private
_replicate() {
if (this.replicating) return;
this.replicating = true;
let noChangeTimeout = null;
let replicationHandle = null;
// how many minutes before killing and restarting replication
const noChangeTimer = Number(this.config.restartTimeout) || 5;
// function to reboot the replicate based on various possible failure states
const rebootReplicator = (err) => {
if (noChangeTimeout) {
if (replicationHandle) {
replicationHandle = null;
if (err) {
console.error('Replication Error!', new Date(), err);
// console.log('Restarting replicator...');
this.replicating = false;
setTimeout(this._replicate.bind(this), 1000);
const resetTimeoutTimer = () => {
if (noChangeTimeout) {
noChangeTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
// console.log('Replicator timed out...');
}, 1000 * 60 * noChangeTimer);
try {
replicationHandle = PouchDB.replicate(this.remoteDB, this, {
live: true,
retry: true,
}).on('change', () => {
// reset a timer whenever we get a change
// if the timer is ever fired, we will restart the replicator
}).on('error', (e) => {
// always start the change timer immediately
// otherwise if we start repliating in the middle of the night (when no changes are happening)
// on('change') never fires, so we can lose connection and never fire the timeout
} catch (e) {
* Internal function
* Loads and performs an initial sync on the database
* @private
async _loadAndInit() {
// load up our indexes
await this._initIndexes();
// reindex every document once we've initialised from disk
// do this before replication, since all new docs will be auto-indexed
const docs = await this.allDocs({
include_docs: true,
console.log('Building index...');
await Promise.allSettled( => {
return this._indexWDWDocument(doc.doc);
// optionally skip replicating with remote (for local fast testing)
if (this.config.skipSync || !this.remoteDB) {
// then perform an initial replication from remote to local
console.log('Performing initial replication...');
return await PouchDB.replicate(this.remoteDB, this, {
batch_size: 500,
}).catch((e) => {
console.error(`Replication error: ${e}`);
* Get the filename we use for saving backups of the database to disk
* Used for creating simple "snapshots" to reduce initial sync times
* @param {string} [postfix] Optional postfix for the filename
* eg. Use postfix to generate a temporary version of a file to write to before replacing the "real" database
* @return {string}
getDumpFilename(postfix = '') {
return path.join('localdb', `${this.config.dbName}${postfix}.db`);
* Restore a database backup from disk
* Perform this after running "dump()" on a previous synced database
* This will help to reduce the initial sync time for large databases
* @param {string} [snapshotFile] File path of the snapshot to restore into the database
* snapshotFile will use default saveSnapshot result location if not supplied
async loadSnapshot(snapshotFile = '') {
throw new Error('Missing Implementation');
if (this.synced || this.replicating) {
console.warn('Trying to load database snapshot when replication has already started');
const useCustomSnapshot = !!snapshotFile;
const dumpPath = useCustomSnapshot ? snapshotFile : this.getDumpFilename();
// if our database dump doesn't exist, then early out and we'll do a normal sync
try {
await fs.access(dumpPath, fsConstants.F_OK);
} catch (error) {
console.log('Restoring database from disk...');
// otherwise, load up our database from disk
const ws = createReadStream(dumpPath);
return this.load(ws, {
batch_size: 500,
* Save a snapshot of this live database to disk
* This will be used to "seed" the database to speed up syncs for future runs
* @return {string} Path to resulting database snapshot
async saveSnapshot() {
throw new Error('Missing Implementation');
if (this.databaseDumpPendingPromise) {
return this.databaseDumpPendingPromise;
console.log('Dumping database to disk...');
const dumpPath = this.getDumpFilename();
const dumpPathNew = this.getDumpFilename('_new');
// dump database to our new location
const ws = createWriteStream(dumpPathNew);
this.databaseDumpPendingPromise = this.dump(ws, {
batch_size: 500,
// save Promise so multiple "dump()" calls can stack cleanly
await this.databaseDumpPendingPromise;
this.databaseDumpPendingPromise = null;
// rename new database dump to our final intended location
return fs.rename(dumpPathNew, dumpPath).then(() => {
// finally, return the actual path of the snapshot
return dumpPath;
* Index initialisation
* This function wraps taking care of creating our indexes once only
* @private
async _initIndexes() {
if (this._indexSetup) {
if (this._setupPromise) {
return this._setupPromise;
this._setupPromise = this._createIndexes();
await this._setupPromise;
this._indexSetup = true;
* Setup our WDW indexes
* @private
async _createIndexes() {
await this._createIndex(constants.INDEX_ENTITIES);
await this._createIndex(constants.INDEX_CHANNELS);
await this._createIndex(constants.INDEX_FACILITYSTATUS, []);
await this._createIndex(constants.INDEX_CHILDREN);
await this._createIndex(constants.INDEX_NAMES);
await this._createIndex(constants.INDEX_IDS, []);
* Get the internal index object for the given index type
* @param {object} name Index name (see constants.INDEX_*)
* @return {*}
* @private
getIndex(name) {
return this._index[name].index;
* Create an index object to be used by this database
* @param {string} name Index name
* @param {*} defaultIndex Index initial object state
* @private
async _createIndex(name, defaultIndex = {}) {
this._index[name] = {
index: defaultIndex,
* Given a WDW document, extract key identifiable data
* This is used to build a look-up index of unique document types
* See ancestorIndexes for some of the keys we use
* This is important so we can tell the difference between entities with the same ID, but different purposes
* eg. an entity ID can have multiple documents, one for the attraction itself, one for it's wait times, etc.
* These need to both be in the index under the same entity ID, but with different properties to make them distinct
* @param {object} doc WDW Database Document
* @return {object} Index object containing important identifying data
* @private
_extractEntityKeys(doc) {
if (!doc || ! return undefined;
// some IDs are stacked using :
const stack =':');
const lowestLevelEntity = stack[stack.length - 1];
const parts = lowestLevelEntity.split(';');
if (parts <= 1) return undefined;
// some documents can have different parents, they're the same, but different path to get there
const parentStackEl = stack.length > 1 ? stack[stack.length - 2] : undefined;
const parent = parentStackEl ? this._extractEntityKeys({id: parentStackEl}).id : undefined;
const ret = {
// special case for calendars
if (doc.channels.find((x) => x.indexOf('.calendar.') >= 0) !== undefined) {
ret.entityType = 'calendar';
parts.forEach((p) => {
const keyval = p.split('=');
if (keyval.length === 1) { = keyval[0];
} else {
ret[keyval[0]] = keyval[1];
// if this document is in a "facilitystatus" channel, add an extra tag
// this is so we don't collide with the actaul document for this attraction
// but also so we can filter it easier later
const facilityStatus = doc.channels && (doc.channels.find((x) => x.indexOf('facilitystatus') >= 0) !== undefined);
if (facilityStatus) {
ret.facilityStatus = true;
// include channels in our index
if (doc.channels) {
const channels = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(doc.channels));
channels.sort(); = channels.join(',');
// add any ancestor data to our index (that we a) care about and b) can find) - see ancestorIndexes
ancestorIndexes.forEach((ancestorIndex) => {
if (doc[ancestorIndex.key]) {
const ancestorID = getEntityID(doc[ancestorIndex.key]);
if (ancestorID) {
ret[ancestorIndex.index] = ancestorID;
return ret;
* Given a WDW database document, try to return its language
* @param {object} doc
* @return {string} Language of this document. Eg. en_intl, en_us
* @private
_extractChannelLanguage(doc) {
// pull channel from doc
if (!doc.channels) return undefined;
const langs = => {
// extract last \.* from the end of the channel name
// language-specific channels end with "en_us" or something
// channels without locale end with a version number eg. "1_0"
return x.slice(x.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
}).filter((x) => {
// check each one to see the language tag starts with a version number
return isNaN(Number(x.slice(0, 1)));
// default to 'en_intl' if we cannot find a language in our channels
return langs[0] || 'en_intl';
* Remove all indexes referencing docID from the given index
* @param {object} index
* @param {string} docID
_removeFromArrayIndex(index, docID) {
Object.keys(index).forEach((key) => {
const indexIDs = index[key].map(
(x, idx) => {
return x._id === docID ? idx : undefined;
filter((x) => x !== undefined);
indexIDs.forEach((idx) => {
index[key].splice(idx, 1);
* Add a document to the database index
* Used for fast lookups of entities etc. to the correct documents
* @param {object} doc CouchDB document to index
* @private
async _indexWDWDocument(doc) {
const idIndex = this.getIndex(constants.INDEX_IDS);
if (doc._deleted) {
// remove document from all indexes
// facility status
// quick hack to turn the facility status index into the same type as the others so I can reuse my code
const facilityIndexObject = {index: this.getIndex(constants.INDEX_FACILITYSTATUS)};
this._removeFromArrayIndex(facilityIndexObject, doc._id);
// channels
this._removeFromArrayIndex(this.getIndex(constants.INDEX_CHANNELS), doc._id);
// entity index
this._removeFromArrayIndex(this.getIndex(constants.INDEX_ENTITIES), doc._id);
// id index
const idIndexIDX = idIndex.indexOf(doc._id);
if (idIndexIDX >= 0) {
idIndex.splice(idIndexIDX, 1);
// ancestor data
// look through all ancestor index items and remove this document
const childIndex = this.getIndex(constants.INDEX_CHILDREN);
const indexIDs = Object.keys(childIndex);
indexIDs.forEach((index) => {
const idx = childIndex[index].indexOf(doc._id);
if (idx >= 0) {
childIndex[index].splice(idx, 1);
// name index
const nameIndex = this.getIndex(constants.INDEX_NAMES);
const nameIndexIDs = Object.keys(nameIndex);
nameIndexIDs.forEach((index) => {
const idx = childIndex[index].indexOf(doc._id);
if (idx >= 0) {
childIndex[index].splice(idx, 1);
// always add doc ID to our ID index
if (idIndex.indexOf(doc._id) < 0) {
const entity = this._extractEntityKeys(doc);
if (entity && && entity.entityType) {
const id =;
const newIndexEntry = {
language: this._extractChannelLanguage(doc),
_id: doc._id,
// special-case, index all facility status documents in another index
if (newIndexEntry.facilityStatus) {
const facilityIndex = this.getIndex(constants.INDEX_FACILITYSTATUS);
const docExists = facilityIndex.findIndex((x) => {
return ===;
if (docExists >= 0) {
facilityIndex[docExists] = newIndexEntry;
} else {
// index all documents based on channel
if (doc.channels) {
const channelIndex = this.getIndex(constants.INDEX_CHANNELS);
doc.channels.forEach((channel) => {
if (!channelIndex[channel]) {
channelIndex[channel] = [];
// index ancestors (so we can find all children of a given entity)
const locs = doc?.relatedLocations;
if (locs) {
const ancestors = locs ? => x.ancestors || []).flat() : [];
const childrenIndex = this.getIndex(constants.INDEX_CHILDREN);
for (let i = 0; i < ancestors.length; i++) {
const entity = getEntityID(ancestors[i].id);
if (entity) {
// found entity ID for this ancestor, create or update an entry for it
if (childrenIndex[entity] === undefined) {
childrenIndex[entity] = [];
if (childrenIndex[entity].indexOf(doc._id) < 0) {
// index document names for text searching
let docName = doc?.name;
if (docName) {
// simplify our doc name to only alphanumeric characters
docName = docName.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9]/g, '');
const nameIndex = this.getIndex(constants.INDEX_NAMES);
if (!nameIndex[docName]) {
nameIndex[docName] = [];
const newIndexKeys = Object.keys(newIndexEntry);
const entityIndex = this.getIndex(constants.INDEX_ENTITIES);
if (!entityIndex[id]) {
entityIndex[id] = [];
const findExisting = entityIndex[id].findIndex((x) => {
// if # keys are different, not a match
if (Object.keys(x).length !== newIndexKeys.length) return false;
// look for any mismatches between the keys
const findMismatch = newIndexKeys.find((key) => {
// _id is supposed to be different, so ignore it regardless of if it matches or not
if (key === '_id') return false;
return (newIndexEntry[key] !== x[key]);
return !findMismatch;
if (findExisting < 0) {
// entry doesn't exist, add to our list
} else {
// replace existing entry that matches all the same properties
if (entityIndex[id][findExisting]._id !== newIndexEntry._id) {
entityIndex[id][findExisting] = newIndexEntry;
* Get an array of documents from an array of _id
* @param {array<string>} ids
async getDocsById(ids) {
await this.init();
return (await Promise.all( => {
// fetch each document using our local DB
return this.get(id);
}))).filter((doc) => {
// filter our any docs that failed to be fetched (they have been deleted etc.)
return doc !== undefined;
* Find search index entries by ID
* If you want the actual document and not just the meta-index data, use getEntity() instead
* @param {string} id
* @param {object} [filter]
* @return {array<object>} Returns the index data for this entity ID
async getEntityIndex(id, filter = {}) {
await this.init();
const entityIndex = this.getIndex(constants.INDEX_ENTITIES);
const indexEntry = entityIndex[id];
if (!indexEntry) return [];
// filter entries by supplied filter options before resolving
return indexEntry.filter(sift(filter));
* Return an array of children document IDs for a given entity ID
* @param {string} id
async getDocChildren(id) {
await this.init();
const childrenIndex = this.getIndex(constants.INDEX_CHILDREN);
const children = childrenIndex[id];
if (!children) return [];
return children;
* Very rudementary text search for documents matching the incoming name.
* name argument will be stripped of all non-alphanumeric characters for searching.
* Will return an array of document IDs with matching name substrings.
* @param {string} name
async getDocNameSearch(name) {
const searchName = name.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9]/g, '');
const nameIndex = await this.getIndex(constants.INDEX_NAMES);
const names = Object.keys(nameIndex);
const found = names.filter((x) => {
return x.indexOf(searchName) >= 0;
return => nameIndex[x]).flat();
* Search for an entity in the WDW database
* @param {string} id Entity ID
* @param {object} [filter] Filter index by field
* @return {array<object>} Returns all documents for this entity ID
async getEntity(id, filter = {}) {
const entities = await this.getEntityIndex(id, filter);
// resolve each index entry to our full documents
return this.getDocsById( => {
return entry._id;
* Search for an entity in the WDW database
* Attempts to return the "best candidate" single document that matches the incoming ID
* @param {string} id Entity ID
* @param {object} [filter] Optional index filter
* @return {object} Returns the best candidate single document, or undefined
async getEntityOne(id, filter = {}) {
const entities = await this.getEntityIndex(id, filter);
if (entities.length === 0) return undefined;
// filter to find the best document of the ones available
// prioritise language en_intl
const enIntl = entities.find((doc) => {
return doc.language === 'en_intl' && !doc.facilityStatus; // don't include facilityStatus docs by-default
if (enIntl) {
return await this.get(enIntl._id);
// 2nd priority: en_US
const enUS = entities.find((doc) => {
return doc.language === 'en_us' && !doc.facilityStatus; // don't include facilityStatus docs by-default
if (enUS) {
return await this.get(enUS._id);
// otherwise just return the first entry in out list
return await this.get(entities[0]._id);
* Get the live facility status for a given entity ID
* @param {string} id Entity ID
* @return {object} Facility status document, or undefined
async getFacilityStatus(id) {
await this.init();
const statusIndex = this.getIndex(constants.INDEX_FACILITYSTATUS);
// look up entity ID in our facility status index
const indexEntity = statusIndex.find((x) => {
return === id;
if (!indexEntity) return undefined;
return await this.get(indexEntity._id);
* Find all documents by channel
* eg. 'wdw.facilitystatus.1_0' to get all WDW facility status documents
* @param {string} channel Channel ID
* @param {object} [filter] Optional document index filter
* @return {array<object>} All documents in this channel (or empty array)
async getByChannel(channel, filter = {}) {
await this.init();
const channelIndex = this.getIndex(constants.INDEX_CHANNELS);
const channelData = channelIndex[channel];
if (!channelData) {
return [];
// return resolved documents for the channel
return this.getDocsById(channelData.filter(sift(filter)).map((entry) => {
return entry._id;
* Return all documents in the database that match the given filter
* This is a slow operation! Use sparingly!
* @param {object} [filter]
* @return {array<object>}
async find(filter = {}) {
await this.init();
const docs = await this.allDocs({
include_docs: true,
return => row.doc).filter(sift(filter));
* Subscribe to all database changes with an optional mongo-style filter
* @param {object} [filter]
* @param {function} callback
subscribeToChanges(filter, callback) {
if (typeof filter === 'function') {
// if no filter passed in, call ourselves with an empty set
this.subscribeToChanges({}, callback);
} else {
// listen to changes from now onwards, passing in our filter function
since: 'now',
live: true,
include_docs: true,
filter: sift(filter),
}).on('change', (change) => {
* Subscribe to all changes to a channel
* @param {string} channel
* @param {function} callback
subscribeToChannel(channel, callback) {
// only return documents that contain the supplied channel
channels: {
$elemMatch: {
$eq: channel,
}, callback);
* Plugin function to intercept bulkDocs function
* We index any WDW documents we find for easier lookup later
* @param {...any} args bulkDocs in
* @private
static async _pluginBulkDocs(...args) {
await this._initIndexes();
const body = args[0];
const docs = Array.isArray(body) ? body :;
// index each document being added to the database
await Promise.allSettled( => {
return this._indexWDWDocument(doc);
// All documents check out. Pass them to PouchDB.
return, ...args);
// add our plugin function
bulkDocs: IndexedWDWDB._pluginBulkDocs,
export default IndexedWDWDB;